Why Pet Turf Is the Preferred Landscaping Choice for Both Pet Owners and Pets

May 31, 2024

Pet owners know the challenges of maintaining a clean, healthy lawn. Not only do they need to keep up with mowing, fertilizing, and daily watering, but they also have to worry about how their pets affect their landscape. Fortunately, artificial turf can help.

It may sound too good to be true, but pet turf can solve all of your lawn problems. It provides superior durability, cleanliness, and pet protection while still providing you with the evergreen aesthetic you desire. You and your pets will be more comfortable than you ever imagined!

Not only is synthetic turf better for your pets, but it will also save you money and help the environment. Cutting down on the energy consumption necessary for watering, mowing, weed whacking, and other common lawn chores will reduce bills and energy waste.

No wonder artificial pet turf is the popular landscape alternative for homeowners! Read on to learn more about how artificial grass can transform your lawn experience.

It’s Pet Safe

Safety is essential for pet owners. Your furry friends are a vital part of your family, so it makes sense that any landscaping project needs to accommodate them. Pet turf products are non-toxic and lead-free, guaranteeing a healthy foundation for your backyard, but this is just the start.

Artificial grass products are engineered with a gentle, lifelike texture that is soft on paw pads. It’s also less itchy than natural grass so you can lounge all day without discomfort. Our unique TigerCool technology reduces surface temperatures by 15 percent, protecting dogs from overheating in the summer.

A significant danger with natural grass is the toxic chemicals commonly used to keep it looking fresh. Fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, and other chemicals can cause health issues if your pets ingest them. However, synthetic turf doesn’t require any of these chemicals.

Give your pet an evergreen haven where they can romp, pay, and nap in the sunshine. Wholesale synthetic grass from SGW Florida can help you find the perfect products for your pup or landscaping clients.

It Can Withstand Digging

While dogs are cute, they can also be pretty rough. If you have a natural grass lawn, you already know the damage they can cause. Dig holes and bald patches are common issues that pet owners face when trying to keep their lawns nice.

Landscape turf is engineered with robust backings that reinforce turf fibers, preventing them from shredding or fraying. At SGW Florida, we offer a special K29 quadruple-layer backing that will protect your lawn from digging holes, no matter how hard your pet tries.

Often, energetic playtimes can cause damage to your lawn. Your pets can rip up grass blades or weigh down patches with regular use, but synthetic grass products are designed to hold their shape and resist tearing. Spend less time repairing your lawn and more time enjoying it!

It Keeps Your Lawn Clean

Pet messes are the most frequent issues that homeowners face. While you can’t train your dog to use the toilet, you don’t have to let their potty time disrupt your evergreen paradise. Artificial pet turf features innovative technology that keeps your lawn fresh and clean.

Pet turf includes AirDrain grids that drain fluids at 920 inches per hour! This staggering efficiency prevents pet messes from pooling or causing muddy patches. Antimicrobial infill eliminates odor-causing bacteria, ensuring a fresh feel at all times.

These drainage systems are also helpful during heavy rains. Say goodbye to mud puddles that ruin your pet’s freshly washed fur or, even worse, cause muddy paw prints to cover your floor. Artificial turf provides maximum cleanliness without sacrificing aesthetic appeal.

Find High-Quality Pet turf at SGW Florida

Enjoy an unmatched customer service experience at SGW Florida. Our experts can help you choose the right pet turf for your next project. We’ll walk you through our various artificial turf products. Wholesale synthetic grass gives you access to premium quality for less.

Are you looking for something more than pet turf? We offer an exhaustive array of products, including playground turf, artificial grass putting greens, and turf installation accessories. Whatever you need, you’ll find it at SGW Florida! Get your project done sooner with direct delivery and same-day shipping.

Call SGW Florida today at 800.676.2154 or contact us online for a free estimate.

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